Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
The Angel Tree program runs every holiday season to provide Christmas gifts for keiki and kupuna and support families in need throughout the year. As more and more of our local families face new economic challenges, we need your help now more than ever. All children should feel the magic of Christmas during the holidays, and no family should have to choose between paying the bills or paying for meals – especially during the happiest time of the year. As more neighbors look to us for help, we look to you for support.
Below are a few safe ways to grant a miracle to keiki or family in need this season through our Angel Tree Campaign.
Angel Trees and Angel Tags are safely available at your local Salvation Army Corps Community Center and various island locations. Each Angel Tag corresponds to a keiki or kupuna with a special wish for Christmas. You're invited to pick up an Angel Tag from a location, purchase the requested gift (or equivalent), and then return it to the exact location with your tag. We will ensure your gift is delivered to your chosen "Angel" before Christmas.
Call 808.988.2136 to find out where to pick up and fulfill Angel Tree Tags.
Now, you can send a gift to a keiki or kupuna in need from the comfort of your home through an online Walmart gift registry! Choose which community you want your donation to support and select a gift to purchase online. Your gift will be delivered to our location and given to a child or senior. To purchase a gift for a child in need at Walmart through your local Corps community center's gift registry, please click on an angel below.
Please help us provide Christmas gifts for local keiki and support those in need throughout the year! This holiday season, give your customers and employees something to smile about by raising funds or by donating funds to our Angel Tree Campaign.
For more information, please click on Become an Angel Tree Sponsor